Thursday, December 12, 2019

On hating Trump since Day One

Donald Trump is obviously awful; you'd only believe otherwise if you were Trump himself, one of his awful associates, one of his defenders on Fox News, or a frequent viewer of Fox News.  And he's awful not just because he's vulgar or because he says mean things-- he's awful because he doesn't demonstrate a single quality that is possessed by humans who are good.  He's awful because he's consistently used his obscene wealth and power for evil.  The notion of giving such a man "a chance" as president... What did he do, ever, to deserve that chance?

I hated him before he was elected, I hated him on election day, I hate him now.  When his administration appears to do something that benefits real humans, I'm immediately, righteously skeptical, and begin looking for (and usually find) the way that said beneficial thing is actually self-serving nonsense.  I don't want to find any ways to redeem this man who is irredeemable.  If Trump does something and somebody who is not a billionaire or racist or rapist (Trump is all three things, of course) gains something by it, than I assume it was an accident.

Democrats shouldn't be ashamed to hate Trump.  Hating Trump isn't "hate," like the "hate" he and his supporters espouse on a regular basis.  Hating Trump is perfectly rational.  Why would you not hate someone who mocked the family of a fallen soldier?  Why would you not hate someone who used hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars for a political bribe?  Why would you not hate someone who calls his shitty resort "The Southern White House" and uses his time, as the most powerful man in the world, to advertise it on Twitter?

He just sucks so very much.  It's so painful to see people like him.  If you're a fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins, you like a team that sucks.  But there's a good chance that you didn't have a choice.  Also: none of the Pittsburgh Penguins has a sexual interest in their daughter.

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