1. "I Need a Lover" by John Cougar (Mellencamp): What is the reputation of this song? The people who love it-- do they think it's a great work of art? I don't know if I think it's a great work of art. But by golly is it ever an effective rock song. The music is all dynamic and shit but the vocal melody is just the same line over and over again. It's a neat trick!
2. "Pristine" by Snail Mail: Took a couple of listens to get into this one. I will defend the shit out of Snail Mail against all haters. There are like three distinct, distinctively devastating hooks in this song. You have to possess talent to put that many great hooks in a single song. Talent, and patience, and discipline, and all that. The sentiment is teenage but not obnoxiously so. I mean I'm assuming it's played at Forever 21 or whatever but it's just clearly a richer and more rewarding song that that.
3. "Andromeda" by Weyes Blood: I only listen to music by sad women. Sad women are the truth! I think it's inherently interesting, what a woman can do to a rock song. A woman's rock song can never just be about, like, being into sixteen year old girls. And even it is was, it would still be fascinating. This song is very slow and very pretty. Maybe too slow? Still trying to decide if Weyes Blood is "hypnotic" or "boring." I always feel dazed when I'm listening to them/her, but I'm not sure if it's a happy daze or what.
4. "Just Like Ringing a Bell" by Titus Andronicus: Sad men, angry men. It's possible I'm just not as into this band as I used to be... That being really into TA requires you to be really into your teenage years/early twenties. This song has a nice galloping "Toys in the Attic" style thing going on, though.
5. "Healer" by Chromatics: I can't believe I'm becoming one of those heroin-addict kids who "chills" to "vibey" "ambient" "wave" music that just goes bump bump, doo doo, chime chime, bump bump.
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